🔨• Moderation

List of available moderation commands.

Moderation commands:

ban: Ban an user from the server. (BAN_MEMBERS permission required)

unban: Unban an user from the server. (BAN_MEMBERS permission required)

unbanall: unban all users from the server. (BAN_MEMBERS permission required)

nuke: Recreates a channel. (MANAGE_CHANNELS permission required)

kick: Kick an user from the server. (KICK_MEMBERS permission required)

purge: Purge a selected amount of messages from a channel. (MANAGE_MESSAGES permission required, 100 messages maximum)

mute: Mute an user from the server. (MANAGE_MESSAGES permission required)

unmute: Unmute an user from the server. (MANAGE_MESSAGES permission required)

slowmode: Change the slowmode from a channel. (MANAGE_MESSAGES permission required)

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